“VET partnership For Green and Smart Electricity in Buildings” project aims to transfer the experience and good practices in the field of VET and to provide the local VET providers with adapted solutions, training materials, tools and guidelines, which will allow them to update their training practices and programs in order to meet their needs.
In this frame, we are publishing the reports as below to help the VET providers and other stakeholders in the field.
- For the Report of the Needs of the Labour Market for electricians and installers of RES systems in buildings, click here https://rb.gy/xkcy5
This report will give you an overview of the opinions, needs and expectations of companies and professionals involved in the renewable energy market on the state of this market and in particular the issues related to the efficiency and quality of installation and maintenance of systems, and the skills needed to achieve efficiency and quality, as well as to identify the needs of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of technicians and installers of geothermal and solar installations, for the purpose of tackling the identified gaps and needs by improving training curricula for the target groups and up skilling trainers.
- For the Report on the Best Training Methodologies, check out the link https://rb.gy/dm7b7
A collection of innovative teaching methods in vocational training are explained and well developed in this report.
- For the report in Data Collection and Innovative Solutions for Energy follow the link https://rb.gy/28dy5
The importance of control technologies in energy systems and applications is increasing day by
day. In this context, new technologies in energy applications offer different control managements primarily as digital applications. Learn more in this report prepared by project partners from Turkiye.
- For the Report on New Solutions for PV applications in Buildings, click the link https://rb.gy/ec4nx
PV systems provide clean power for small or large applications. Many installations are already generating energy around the world in individual homes, housing developments, offices and public buildings. Get more information in the report.