- VET partnership For Green and Smart Electricity in Buildings
The sector needs professionals with new skills- not only knowledge and skills in the field of “smart” building installations and RES, but also soft, interpersonal, entrepreneurial, etc. competences.
The main objective of the VET4GSEB project is to transfer experience and good practices in the field of vocational education and training from European countries (Bulgaria and Turkey) to the other countries participating in the project, namely Albania, Ukraine, Armenia and Georgia. The ambition is to equip VET providers with tailored solutions, training materials, tools and guidance so as to enable them to update and improve their training programmes and practices so that they can meet the skills, knowledge and competences needs of the ever changing construction and renewable energy labour market.
This will be achieved through a series of activities applying an innovative approach: trainers from VET providers from all participating countries will have access to comprehensive information through an online platform on specific market needs, innovative training methods, digital technologies used in smart buildings, high-tech technical solutions for integrating PV systems in buildings, etc.
Trainings will be organized for VET providers from all participating countries, which will be implemented in 2 stages: first stage – pilot training in English for 18 trainers, and second stage – trainings at national level.
Interested parties can subscribe to a newsletter through which we will not only keep them informed about the progress of the project, but they can also join the pilot and follow-up trainings.
Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.