The 3rd project partner meeting was organized by EECG in Tbilisi, Georgia. It took place on 28th and 29th September 2023. The meeting was attended by representatives of the consortium partners from SEC, CISB, SUDEAS, EECG, NUBIP, PIF, DHKZ, and TANIQ in presence and online.
The first day started with the presentation by Evelina Stoykova from SEC of achieved activities in WP1. The most important topic was the mid report by mid February 2024, its issues. Also, the consortium decided on the dates for the next meetings and activities especially the pilot training course in Izmir.
The training program was the topic of the next session of the meeting. The curriculum was presented by CISB. After a discussion some details were clarified and the document was approved.
The day continued with CISB presentation of the content and the features of online networking platform. CISB and SUDEAS demonstrated the platform through the training materials elaborated for Module 2 of the training programme. SEC, EECG, NUBIP and PIF explained in details the content of training program for each module. Moreover, SEC introduces the content of the Guidebook for trainers. Discussions sparked on this matters and suggestions were given by the participants.
The second day started with the presentation of PIF dedicated to WP5 on Dissemination and Impact. The results fulfilled, improvements and up-dates of project website and partner’s social media were the focus during the session.
The meeting was concluded with the dates set for activities up to mid-year of 2024 and the tasks for each of the members of the consortium.
Stay tuned for the upcoming great activities of the VET4GSEB project.